The first one was when i was fourteen (form two). Well it was my friend, ash's birthday...It did not turn out that well. Although i remembered the party to be a blast ash actually found out we were planning the surprise birthday party. It was pretty funny as if i am not mistaken ash got angry as she thought we were keeping a secret from her.
I remember we have some pictures in someone's profile in friendster but i could not track the pictures down... So no pictures..=(
Okay next up was probably when i was fifteen (f3). This was ssk's birthday. It was a surprise birthday party in pizza hut. Her mom was very sporting to go along with us. Her mom dropped her off at pizza asking her to pick up some job form for her brother i think. i don't think she was very surprise but i won't know cause i went late..*shy*.
Also no pictures.=(
Next up is jivi's birthday when we were seventeen. We met at khong's house for a study group.(kononye spm is near and we are very hardworking people.;p). So we were 'studying' and just suddenly we brought the cake out to suprise her..=)

(stolen from calyn's friendster profile)

And the latest was my sister's suprise birthday dinner..=).So we went out to dinner as usual although it was pretty tough to get her to go out and choose a nicer sort of place to eat. So at last we went to somewhere nearby. A shop call 'La La Chong' whose obviously is famous for it's 'lala'.
And shortly after we got a friend of hers to bring the birthday cake.Her friend came with the cake (lighted candles and all) and goes 'miss you ordered cake?'(in cantonese)...She was quite suprise with the 'intermision'. So we sang the birthday song for her in some seafood restaurant...=)
Thats all...Oh and so again as today is the actual day..HAPPY 22ND birthday!
and of course pictures,blurred one though
the shop
her wishing
the food
and the cake....(ice creme cake=))
the end.
lyn,i don't even login to my friendster profile anymore.seriously feel like deleting.wait till i've finish transferring all the pics to my fb prof.
anw,i remember song telling me about her surprise bday party in pizza.i wasn't invited if im not mistaken cos when she told me about it,i don't remember a thing :(
why din u share ur 18th surprise bday party too?
theres loads of pics of us karaoke-ing :p
haha...i don't go there anymore too...but don't want to delete la...just went there to steal pictures that day...fb is enough
sure not?maybe you were invited but you were too stuck up to come...;p...*thinks very hard*...erm i think afiqah lost her hp on that day if i m not mistaken...familiar?
cause that one is deserves a post of its own..maybe next time.=)
i heard about her hp kena curi after she placed it right next to her on the table.i think i wasn't there.ish what too stuck up???*kicks u*
a post of its own????YAY!!! :D
haha..kesian.see la kick kick samoo..isk isk isk..
yes a post of its day
Anyway i forgot to add to the post.
i banged the car that
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