Friday, September 18, 2009


I got home early on Wednesday. So i decided to cook dinner.=) ...So i took a packet of spaghetti and a can of the sauce.I boiled the spaghetti 1st as i knew that would take a longer time.After that, i took out the can opener to open the can only to discover that i don't really know how to use one...After much banging and pressure this is what it looked like.


Well i managed to get it all out through that small hole after all.And here's the end product.

not bad huh...;p

And later...i did the laundry!!!!And i damaged something else..T-T

The bag to put in the laundry..=(

On top of rained the next day..and the clothes got wet...i had to wash again..fine.i mean i had to operate the washing machine again..*sigh*
In conclusion lylyn = housework...<----bad equation.... Oh this did not occurred on Thursday but just to show you guys....

Can you see it? MASSIVE hair fall....!

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