My last semester ended on 30th of April and i ve been wanting to write about it cause i felt it was a rather awesome semester, I ve been putting it off but guess i d better write before my new semester ends.
Firstly, i think the main reason the semester turns up well was the subjects that i took. I took accounts, economics, philosophy and public speaking. Alright, accounts and econs are like rather normal, not something very new to me, but philo and public speaking. Until today i m not sure why did i choose those two subjects but i think, no regrets definately.
Public speaking- com110
At first i thought the class was gonna be easy, well why not, just memorize some theories, i know im not like the best speaker, but well atleast my english is not like super bad and speaking is like only 20% of the course anyway. Hell i was wrong its one of the most challenging classes i tell you. Classes was always fun, with some awesome classmates, and also stressful as often we are required to speak extemporaneously. I screw up many times i think but its okay cause in that class its like you never stand alone. Sure there are some like super speakers but i just felt like i could screw up infront but people dont actually show that they are judging you, its a nice feeling. Its also actually rather addictive. I recall my first speech (meaning the 1st speech which our marks will be taken into account), we were all given a chance to prepare a 5 minutes persuasive speech. The most challenging part of the assignment was to actually choose a topic. Its like I wanted it to be perfect, a topic i m passionate about, a topic which is fun, a topic which i can use visual aids cause its a must, a topic which people will actually litsen too. I think i had my topic like only like one week before. The speech is important to me not because my marks would be affected but because of the effort i put into. After delivering the speech, i did okay i guess, marks wise but somehow there is a tiny urge for me to want to deliver the speech again just so to improve it. Thats what i meant by it being addictive.
My second speech was an impromtu speech, which was like our last speech, last project for the entire course. This time it was even more nail-bitting. At that point, of course marks matters but i think why the speech was so important to me was because its was the last one i m giving for the entire course. I felt like if I would have screw that up then it kinda meant that i ve not learnt a thing for the entire course.
Yes the course was definately enriching and I have somehow grown in some ways by taking this course. Nope i dint do like super good, but as i looked upon my results I definately cannot complain.
Yes those were the days, my speech-giving days are over at least for now.=)...I am contented, do take up the course if it is offer but for a more enriching experience, take it in Inti with Ms Kalai, my lecturer..=)
I had no idea what to expect for philosophy. Some people says its fun,some say its easy, some say its hard, some say its hell.. I think most people told me its hell actually, but i took it anyway.
I think i have a love-hate relationship with this subject, i like is much at times and hate it much at other times. The fact that i screwed up my finals definately contributes to my hatred but somehow I wished i could do it all over again and conquer it. The class was definately different from other classes i have taken. Often there are rather entertaining videos being played in the class, and me being a fan of movies and shows it interest me how philosophy can be looked at a different angle relating it to out daily life. I liked most of the movies being played except for one which i think i fell asleep watching it, some action movie. The most memorable thing for the class was when we were required to make a video for our group assignment. I dint sleep well for days, I did like a million draft, a million different versions, but at the end of the day, when the video is done and as it was being played in class, the feeling was just awesome, although i dont think we did very well for it,but from having like zero knowledge on how to make a video to producing one its like i felt as if i have achived something.Will put up the video one day.
Accounts and Econs
This two classes are actually rather normal, it wasnt like super fun or anything, but well its not like its hell. =)
And to end the already awesome semester, for it to become even more awesome, we took a trip to Langkawi for our semester break. Shall write about the trip some other time (which MAY mean never) cause this post is super long already but shall put a picture of the trip just because the post is also very wordy.
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