i would say this is one of the fastest year ever....!!!
i m gonna write about NS (national service) in this post just because I'm thinking about it and NS is quite a big part for me this year,It took my three months out of twelve.=)
1.The food....
I din't really think food would be a problem for me as i quite like Malay food but well i certainly did not like the food there...breakfast is the best meal of the day as they serve normal food like Nasi Lemak with a hard boiled egg everyday.Lunch is erm not as good but still not too bad ...normally they serve chicken for lunch,I almost never take their vege as they just look sad..LOL..and they usually serve fish for dinner and i find that their fish smells.Ans so i have maggi cup almost every night.My dorm mate reckons i will go bald.=)2. Activities.
i think my camp in selama is one of the most un-active camp in Malaysia....The most enjoyable activity would be the flying fox and the omg i forget what is it call...those monkey bars and all.I still cant believe i don't remember the name of that activity.T-T...Most boring would be the classes....and funniest activity would be TTS- tempur tanpa senjata (NS style of self defense)
The place was alright.I had no trouble sleeping at night just trouble waking up in the morning..hehe...There is no water heater and so the water is just freaking cold and also often after a heavy rain there will be no water supply.I still don't understand why...=)
4.The people
I think the most important part about NS would be about the people you meet.I met so many wonderful people there.Its funny how my dad is a kelantanese and i have spent many many school holidays in kelantan yet i think i truly know very little about Kelantan.I don't even understand the language.However,there i got to know so many kelantanese and they are just very friendly.And among others from other states i have got to know many too.In general although i have complained a lot when i was in NS i actually supports the program.I had many Malay friends since young.In fact my best friend in primary school is a Malay, so for me being friends with other races is something normal.But there, at least 5 of my friends told me i'm their first 'Chinese friend'...They have never ever really interact with any other races before.How can we be one Malaysia then?I'm really glad NS changed this for them and therefore i believe NS really promotes one Malaysia....=)
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