Went back after school at about 2.30pm.Took a nap and head to Klang with dad and sis.Met up with aunty and family.Shop in jusco klang.Not much to shop there but i bought a pair of shoe and a very cool photo frame.

new shoes...=))
Went facial for the first time with sis. Its pretty awesome...i felt so 'kampung' though,,,i dint know what to do.First they serve us some herbal tea,then led us to this place to wash our leg..the place looks really pretty but its just putting your legs into this bucket of warm water.Next we were led into seperate room,asked us to change into some weird looking outfit...Took me awhile to figure out how to wear it,the facial includes several gazelion times of cleaning my face,some radioactive thingie,then they applied some mask and left me alone for about 20minutes,some massaging and done.=))...Afterwards we were also given a fish spa.( first time too).Its very very
very ticklish.When i first put my

herbal tea in some cute cup

the weird 'outfit'

'some radioactive machine'

fish spa.!!!one of my fav part...
Also on friday,we finally got our wireless modem..So now i can online anywhere,in the living room,dining table,bedrooom,toilet??hmmm
Went to look at some showhouse or rather 'show condo'?Somewhere in subang.Super super expensive.super super nice.

i like!!!The design of the unit is so niceeeee..
Also went to some flea market.Pretty facinating but dint buy anything.Also ate at Doli there...First time too...Never been to the Doli in Taiping.
Test drive to school in the morning,Not that bad besides the fact somebody pointed his middle finger at me..Aparently i was driving to slow..lalalalala...*ignores middle fingers and hons*
Went shopping in Sunway piramid with the parents and sis. Bought a dress and a pink shorts...*satisfied*

pink shorts....=)))))))))...lalalalalalala
Its 12 am now, officially monday, I am here on the bed blogging away feeling sad that the weekend is over...=(
p/s-hmm i dont see any 'studying' in the entry...guilt,guilt,guilt..