fyi,the chocolate run means
1. The act of going out to purchase chocolate.
2. Moving with quick steps on alternate feet while in possession of chocolate
3. The life of a person who thinks in chocolate and spends her life avoiding intimacy.
4. The emotional gauntlet we all go through at some point in our lives, eased by the consumption of chocolate.
(taken from the last page of the book)
There are many 'chocolate quotes' in this book.i find them pretty amusing.
1. 'There's only one thing better than illicit sex- illicit chocolate'
2. 'Hmm, a man or chocolate- put it this way, you'll never be sat around waiting for a bar of chocolate to ring you.'
3.'When you buy chocolate you're buying yourself a new best friend'
4.'Ask yourself this; would you be the person you are today without chocolate?'
5.' There's nothing more satisfying than opening a box of chocolates knowing no one has been there before'
6.'True strength is being able to eat a bar of chocolate without feeling guilty'
7.'Love? it's only chocolate without the calories'
8. 'I'd try therapy if chocolate wasn't quicker and sweeter'
9.'What's all the fuss about chocolate? give me a packet of crisps any day'
p/s: Those in blue are some of my favorite ones.
so this is what u hav been reading =))
=)...me loves chocolates ;p
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