so, on sat afternoon my sister drop me off at kl sentral..was trying to find mcd as there was where we were suppose to lost a little..=)
we boarded the bus at about 1.30 and reached about an hour later.They brought us to an appartment in gotong jaya.It was one of the member's uncle's house.Had lunch...They made spaggetti ...=)....and then we got ready to go out to start some game they prepared for us...amazing race got venetia as my partner and the 1st game had to hit the ball continuously for three times...should have learn some tennis from both if us never play tennis before,we kept on dropping the was exhausting picking up the ball..we were the last team to finish the task.then we had to find the next clue which was situated on the highest floor of the apartment..and apartment has four blocks...we ran up and down searching for the clues for the longest time ever..we were expecting some seniors to wait at the top floor but they actually pasted the clues on the wall....T-T..
next we took the cable car up genting.we were suppose to find a fountain...we had a hard time finding that station least the task there was pretty easy.we were supposed to find some stuff..we just grab everything from we had to go around taking pictures of some international landmark.we spend much time here too...running all over the indoor theme park as we kept getting the last picture station , one of us was supposed to do wall climbing.i did it..was my first time.pretty scary .i was afraid i might fall..unfortunately i could not reach the top.but nobody did so it was ok..=).....and last but not least we were given a paper.on it, it was writen (green + a pic of a star + a pic of a reindeer)....guess where the station was.?starbucks....sigh.. a male reindeer is supposed to be called a buck...something like that...later we caught up with 2 other teams and we ride on the same cable car to gotong jaya...had dinner and later we played a game called 'mafia'..its a very interesting game..we were all addicted to that game.slept at about 4...super tiring,,,next day we had banana pancakes for breakfast,milk.
Next we clean up and played another round of mafia and that's the end of the sick the day after,,,=(((
Here are some pictures..=)
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