Anyways this is probably going to be long and wordy (Mostly to drive other people away from reading it cause this post will contain many embarrassing pictures)
Calyn Ong Jen Ching.
Jan 10th 2004
Probably about the first day I met you. First impression? High class, snobbish Convent kid, follow-the-rule-fromA2Z-type of girl.;P. Probably about the first day of school, I was new to the school and you were selected to recite the school song to us "new girls" in school.
You were probably the class monitor or something cause I remember you collecting money from me in class. But that is probably all that I remember about you in 2004 cause GLADLY the week after the school decided to downgrade me to the second class.
Oh yeah another incident I shall not let you forget, one day towards the end of the of the year I unexpectedly did pretty well surpassing most of the first class students and out of a sudden I was noticed by you guys. Haha and this was what happened:
*note we have never really spoken before*
We were sitting at one of those gazebos, Hoay yean, you and I.
Calyn: You did really well in the exams. I was really surprised.
Me: er....haha
*HY and I exchanged the wtfiswrongwiththisgirl look here*
HY: No lah, she has always been good.
Hahaha bad impression much.
You were still in the snobbish gang though we are now in the same class
Okay so you weren't that bad after all. We got to know each other a lil bit more. Went to DOTA (was that the name of the camp?) together and the rest was history! =)
My chance to finally maybe be in the same class with my fav classmates again (Song & Ash) hehe. But the school hates us so they decided to put us away from everybody else, I still wonder how did that happen!! I remember they read names for Sc3 first and we were waiting for our names to be called! T-T
So this is when you were separated from Reena, me from babes. Haha I think we almost cried, but I guess we were glad we at least had each other and of course ever since then I got my BEST TABLE-MATE EVER. (Sorry song and ash. She arranges my books! Haha what more can a girl ask for?)
Probably the year facebook got popular, haha so I can share pictures starting now. This was the best yet the worst year.

Table mates! The LYNS. =)
Also the year Calyn and Song decided to cheat on me. Haha, so now there were three:

And then school ended, we went our separate ways. THE END........
And then we took SPM, sad farewells etc, but something I remember clearly and keep telling people is about the day Calyn checked the wrong ID for me, told me falsely that I wasn't selected for NS. When I found out it wasn't true, I started crying. And then you started crying I think cause Song and I were leaving you. Haha.
Can't remember if this was before or after NS, but one of the best trips ever:

Dear Calyn,
Thank you for
1. Being there for me to bully all the time, from the harmless Pengawas comment to the joke I pulled on you when I told you somebody died in the store room long time ago to scare you cause you needed to go through there every morning to check the classes. (F3 block)
2. Arranging my books, my bag, filling in my forms, ETC
3. Not giving me any perks being besties with one of the most influential prefects.I remember one time I forgot my name tag, and borrowed Song's spare. I had to hide from you all day long cause I know if you noticed you would have written me up anyways! T-T no mercy.
4. Lending me your money when I forgot to bring my lunch money
5. Always believing in me. I remembered I was the first you asked to be your head prefect campaign officer. WTH were you thinking! Campaign suicide??? LOL.I still think you deserved to win. (No offense to anybody)
6. Letting me diss pink, your fav color although I don't actually hate it that much. Kinda like it actually. Haha
7. Never finishing your hw, so I know i had to be a tiny bit more hardworking cause I can't count on you. ;p
8. Always there for me. I remember I was freaking out first day of college, and of course Song and you were kind enough to allow me to text you guys like 100 text messages that day to virtually accompany me.
9. Reading until here. haha was going to do 22 but yeah, you are too old. So you'll just be 9 years old to me. Teeeheee
Okay more pictures, of my two fav memories (after high school):
The day you guys surprised me by coming all the way to KL to send me off. Hey at that time KL was big deal. #biggirlcity
And the summer we were all Interning in the city, all grown up + our Genting re-make trip