Thursday, July 29, 2010
A conversation between a friend (lmay) and I
llyn- Why dint you pick up my call?? =(
lmay- cause I dint hear it ringing..>_<
llyn- why dint call back? =((
lmay- Its your number? At first when saw "05" i thought its you.
llyn- then?
lmay- then i asked mummy '05' is where? Mummy say perak.
llyn- THEN?? you got other friends from perak?
lmay- you from perak meh? not Taiping?
llyn- -_-""" Taiping is IN perak!!!!!
llmay- but i thought Taiping is in Ipoh?
llyn- *speechless*
Is Taiping really that unkwn? Anyways Ipoh is not even a state! Oh oh and this friend of mine has a gpa of 3.9++...!yUP, I wonder.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
I Dint know what LDR stands for when a friend of mine first told me she was giving a speech to persuade us LDR can work, well LDR stands for long distance relationship. The thing is I have seen a few people in LDR, I have seen it failed and i have seen it to be a sucess.
My dad had never worked in Taiping before year 1999 when he finally got transferred to Taiping while my mum,sis, and I was living in Taiping for almost all my life. I don't remember before that but I think in about year 1997-1998 my dad was working in Rawang, Selangor and he used to drive back to Taiping in his old Saga every other weekend, maybe on Friday night and back to Rawang againn on Monday mornings and every school holidays we would go down to KL to visit him.
And I know a friend whose father works in KL and does the same almost every weekend for at least as long as I know her.
And I am sure many other dads/bfs does the same or almost the same.
The thing is I think it is a great effort that they put up with; I dont think its easy at all travelling back and forth. As much as I love coming back to Taiping, I almost despise the journey, and that saying I m not even driving, just sitting there doing nothing.
You see my friend dint suceed in persuading me.LOL. I think LDR MIGHT work , but it depends on the individuals , how hard they are willing to fight for it, and how independent they are. Personally I dont think Im the type that willl survive a LDR. What about you?
P/S- Just a random thought on the way back from KL the other day while ash's dad drove us
PP/S - Another friend of mine who is a strong Un-believer of LDR told me months ago, she will NEVER and will try very hard to abstrain herself from getting into a relationship now cause she knows she's about to go to the states. She also told me that she would wait about ten years into a relationship before getting marrie, I told her she should start finding now then, but wait she cant start unless I match make her with one of the guys from the same course , and they can apply to the same uni...-_-". This is super unrelated to the post but I just find her very cute. If you are reading this, you know who you are..;p
Saturday, July 24, 2010
And they will then proceed to asking me what does she teach, and I'll answer 'Oh English' and then immediately proceed to either asking them to excuse me for my horrible English, or to set their expectations right by telling them maybe something like,' Oh but my English is not very good'.
You see, I don't think my mum ever 'teach' me English, well not formally at least, all we do is maybe speak English at home, and mind that with a mixture of some Hokkien. she corrects my grammar at times as i speak, ok maybe all the time,cause my English is that bad, ;p....The point is that, I just always think my English is rather bad, and when people say it's okay I ll go on to say,' No! its not okay,its not up to the English teacher's daughter standard' as if there is some imaginary standard or certain expectation of a certain level of English language proficiency that I am expected to be at.Even as I write this, I don't feel like posting this post as I can feel it is full of crap and grammartical errors.
But today a friend of mine pointed to me something that makes me feel a tiny bit better and which i find quite true. She said
" Well, my dad repair airconds,but that certainly does not mean that I have to be good in repairing airconds', - cadence
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
For you, n.a.m.e
I was going through our Langkawi pictures and this is one of my fav pic of you..=)

I shall remember our very memorable trip to Langkawi, all the times in public speaking, watching sex and the city 2 and all the other times we spent together. I wish we had spent more time together, but i know one day we shall have the chance, maybe even another trip together..=)
When i bid goodbye to you this morning in the CAE i felt a pinch of sadness but im also quite excited for you..SAN FRANCISCO, its a great place and i m sure you'll enjoy your time there very much. Just remember to take things more easily perhaps, remember always share the stress with the world, dont be selfish..;p
I was also looking foward to sending you off to the airport but looks like i wont make it this time, sorry, but i wish you a safe flight...Catch up with your sleep, enjoy your orientation and of course your long awaited break..Tell me all about it later....=)
Lastly thankyou for everything.

Lots of love,